WIDE RANGE is launching a new technical blog dedicated to the world of packaging and labelling

Technical blog on the packaging and labelling sector

A new WIDE RANGE technical blog on the packaging and labelling sector

Bolstered by its extensive experience in the field of industrial automation, specifically in the industrial packaging and labelling sector, WIDE RANGE is launching a technical blog dedicated to those in the sector, as well as all companies who require reliable, high-quality packaging and labelling solutions.

It will contain innovations, in-depth topical analysis, products and applications. WIDE RANGE wears its mission statement on its sleeve: to offer “a wide range of solutions” in the industrial automation sector, in particular for packaging and labelling.

With over 20,000 units installed across five continents, from over 25 manufacturers, Wide Range is cementing its position as a leader in the sector. WIDE RANGE offers solutions designed to meet specific customer requirements, depending on the type of product to be processed. One of the company’s main strengths is its ability to design machines with the most advanced technologies, using precise assembly and testing procedures, while always keeping a particular focus on maintaining the highest quality standards.

The WIDE RANGE catalogue includes an enormous selection of rewinders and dispensers for self-adhesive labels on reels.

For commercial and technical information on WIDE RANGE products write to  info[AT]widerange[DOT]it

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